Welcome to Bearwood Chapel Smethwick

We are a multi-ethnic,  Bible teaching, family church meeting in Smethwick at the heart of the West Midlands.

Our Sunday service with teaching, worship and communion takes place at 10:30; join us for tea/coffee from 10am onwards.

Bearwood Chapel Facebook page

Our address is

Bearwood Chapel

445 Bearwood Rd

Smethwick B66 4DH

You can contact us via email direct to adminbc@bearwoodchapel.org.uk or via our facebook page Bearwood Chapel Facebook page



Chapel Cafe opens 1200-1600 on dates shown below

Knit, Stitch & Natter at the Chapel Cafe

2 - 4.30pm 

We will be meeting on the following dates:

14th February

28th February

14th March

28th March


April 11th






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Coming Soon Art Day watch this space for details

Life Groups @the Chapel


We have lifegroups meeting on Wednesday and Thursday evening via Zoom


Sunday 16th March
10:30am -
Sunday 23rd March
10:30am -

Latest Audio

12 Hours of Prayer

Verse of the day

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4
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